After you request a booking we will make sure the property is available for the dates you have chosen.
If the dates are confirmed as available you will be required to pay a 30% deposit to guarantee your booking, or the full amount if within 8 weeks of your holiday start date. Any balance needs to be paid 8 weeks prior to the start of your holiday.
We will refund your deposit and/or balance if we, or you, need to cancel your booking due to any relevant UK public health measures, (e.g. lockdowns, or household mixing rules), or someone in your party has COVID, is required to self-isolate, or is shielding, during the period of your stay.
If you are bringing a dog, or dogs, then a £50 security deposit is also required to be paid with your final payment. This will be returned to you after your holiday, subject to any deductions to pay for damages or breakages caused by your pet, and any additional cleaning required.
Payments can be made by sending a cheque or by direct bank transfer. Please either telephone or e-mail to request bank transfer details.